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Port congestion eased, but it was still higher than the average level.

Release Time:2022-10-19 Number of views:0

The Port Congestion Index compiled by Clarkson shows that so far this month, the capacity of ocean-going freighters in Hong Kong accounts for 30.6% of the total capacity, which is lower than the average of 32.1% in the first half of this year, but still higher than the average of 29.7% in 2016-2019.

In the container transportation sector, port congestion in the United States, Britain and continental Europe is more serious. So far this month, 33.9% of fleet capacity is in port (at port or related anchorage), which is lower than the record 37.2% in July and falls back to the average of 31.6% in 2016-2019.

Clarkson said that the capacity of ports on the east coast of North America in Hong Kong is more than twice the average level before the outbreak of the epidemic, and the congestion is still increasing. Since October, the port capacity on the west coast of North America has increased by 66% compared with that before the epidemic, the ports in Britain and continental Europe have increased by 56%, and the ports in China have increased by 21%.

In the bulk transport sector, congestion has been greatly eased. Clarkson said that in the first half of this year, 35% of the capacity of Cape and Panama ships was in Hong Kong, and the current proportion has dropped to 31.2%. The average level before the outbreak in 2016-2019 was 30%. The main reason for the decline is the easing of congestion in China port, which is 15% lower than the average level in the first half of the year.

Clarkson's data shows that congestion in other shipping sectors has also eased. The capacity of multi-purpose ships in Hong Kong decreased by about one fifth compared with the first half of the year; The congestion of chemicals on ships decreased by 10% compared with the first half of the year; The capacity of automobiles and boats in Hong Kong accounted for 26.7% of the total capacity, which decreased by 0.1% compared with the first half of the year. Its average value in 2016-2019 was 22.9%.