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Trade is an important part of Sino-Singapore relations.

Release Time:2023-03-21 Number of views:0

China is New Zealand's largest trading partner, export market and import source, accounting for about 30% of New Zealand's foreign exports of goods and services, and is the largest single buyer of dairy products, meat, wood and fruits in New Zealand.

The past year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and New Zealand. Statistics show that the bilateral trade volume between China and New Zealand was only NZ $7 million at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and reached NZ $6.3 billion when the two countries signed a free trade agreement in 2008. After that, the annual growth rate of bilateral trade volume remained above 10%, and it exceeded NZ $30 billion in 2019. Even though the COVID-19 epidemic has hit global trade, the bilateral trade between China and New Zealand is still growing against the wind, and the trade volume between the two countries will increase by as much as 36% in 2021.

On March 3 this year, Grahame Robert Morton, New Zealand's new ambassador to China, visited the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and exchanged views with Ren Hongbin, president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, on the development of economic and trade relations between China and New Zealand and the cooperation between enterprises of the two countries. A few days ago, in a written interview with china trade news, he said: "Over the past 50 years, with the economic development of the two countries, our trade relations have made great progress. Just like the connection between humanities exchanges and our common global environment, trade relations are an important part of bilateral relations. "

Maury told reporters: "The initial free trade agreement between China and New Zealand came into effect in 2008, which was a success for both sides. Since then, bilateral trade between the two countries has quadrupled in the first decade. Today, the bilateral trade volume is still growing and relatively balanced. "

He told reporters that in 2022, despite the challenge of COVID-19 epidemic, the bilateral trade volume between the two countries is still close to NZ $38 billion. The products available to consumers in both countries in the market benefit both countries, whether it is high-quality food and beverage and specialized medical equipment from New Zealand, or various manufactured products from China sold in New Zealand, even including electronic products and electric cars.

"New Zealand firmly supports free trade and regional and international organizations that support free trade. We seek to conduct trade with all partners under the framework agreed by the World Trade Organization, formulate specific open regional multilateral agreements and bilateral free trade agreements in line with WTO commitments, and provide more opportunities for our enterprises. " Maury said that New Zealand and China are cooperating under regional and changeable frameworks, including APEC and WTO. Both countries are members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), which came into effect in 2022.

At the same time, trade will also affect other important areas, such as ecological protection and climate change. "At the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in 2022, New Zealand and China pledged to work together on important issues, including fishery subsidies and trade response to the COVID-19 outbreak." He introduced.

In 2022, the China-New Zealand FTA Upgrade Protocol came into effect. Mao Rui believes that it is very important for enterprises to implement the terms of the agreement to keep the rules clear and predictable. The upgrade of FTA is regarded as a new opportunity to further deepen and expand the economic and trade relations between China and Singapore. Although the free trade agreement signed by the two countries has provided duty-free access for 98% of New Zealand's exports and 100% of China's exports, the rapid development of trade between the two countries in the past 10 years has also prevented some new elements from being included.

In addition to improving the market access of goods and services, the upgrade agreement has further enhanced the convenience of trade between the two countries by reducing red tape, saving time and reducing enterprise costs. The two sides also pledged to cooperate in new areas such as e-commerce, environmental protection, small enterprises and competition policy through the agreement upgrade.

In 2013, China became New Zealand's largest trading partner, and has since become New Zealand's largest trading partner, largest source of imports and largest export market. In this regard, Maury said that the cooperation between New Zealand and China in the economic and trade fields involves many aspects, just like the extensive bilateral relations between the two countries. "We look forward to meeting face-to-face this year."

At the same time, New Zealand also recognizes China's efforts in improving the business environment and is willing to share its experience in improving the business environment with China. "Since 2019, New Zealand has planned and held seven business environment seminars and exchange meetings, and officials from New Zealand's central and local regulatory agencies made several reports at the meeting. We hope to continue this work in the coming year. " Mao Rui said.