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Guangzhou CCPIT delegation visited Germany, Netherlands and Britain

Release Time:2024-04-17 Number of views:0

From March 19th to 28th, 2024, Yong Yang, Party Secretary and Director of Guangzhou Council for the Promotion of International Trade, led large enterprises such as Guangzhou Automobile, Guangzhou Investment, Guangzhou Development, Guangzhou Mathematics Department and Guangzhou Public Transport to carry out international exchanges and cooperation in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and expanded economic and trade cooperation with Europe, expanded international network with Europe, and deepened international cooperation in industrial chain through intensive visits, talks and exchanges, and field visits.

On March 22nd, the Guangzhou Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Dutch-Chinese Business Council (NCBC) successfully held the "China (Guangzhou)-Netherlands Business Exchange Conference" in The Hague, the Netherlands. More than 100 representatives from relevant government departments, business organizations and entrepreneurs from Guangzhou and the Netherlands participated in the event.

During the activity, Bao Dewen, vice chairman of the Dutch-Chinese Business Council (NCBC), said that the Netherlands is the "gateway to Europe", China's second largest trading partner in the EU, the largest investment destination and the second largest source of foreign investment, and the two sides have close trade and investment exchanges. By establishing a platform for Sino-Dutch industrial and commercial cooperation mechanism, it will be more beneficial for Dutch enterprises to invest in Guangzhou and strengthen their economic and trade exchanges. Nicole, the head of the Dutch company Universum Holding B.V., said that Guangzhou's development and business environment are amazing, and the industry is advanced and developed. This activity has made him know more about Guangzhou and plans to visit Guangzhou in the near future.It is understood that in May 2023, with the approval of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Guangzhou Municipal Government, the Guangzhou Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade established the Guangzhou Liaison Office of the China-Netherlands Bilateral Business Council in Nansha. The platform promoted Guangzhou Nansha through external publicity, providing services for Dutch enterprises to invest in Guangzhou and Guangzhou enterprises to "go global".

During this visit, the Guangzhou delegation visited the sister cities of Guangzhou, Frankfurt, Germany and Bristol, England, to promote exchanges between Guangzhou and international sister cities, and intensively visited more than 20 institutions and enterprises in six cities, including the Dutch-Chinese Business Council, the Dutch Foreign Investment Bureau, the Dutch China Chamber of Commerce, the British-Chinese Business Association, the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, the Frankfurt Exhibition Company, the Rheinland Group, the Reed Exhibitions Group, the German representative office and the British representative office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and the municipal government of Frankfurt, Germany and Bristol, England.

Automobile and exhibition are two major industries in Guangzhou, and internationalization is the only way for high-quality industrial development. In order to effectively help Guangzhou enterprises "go global", the Guangzhou delegation led Guangzhou Automobile Group, Guangzhou Investment, Guangzhou Development, Guangzhou Mathematics and Guangzhou Public Transport to take this opportunity to explore the European market. The person in charge of Guangzhou Automobile International said that Europe is an important automobile market in Guangzhou. With the help of the Guangzhou Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Guangzhou Automobile International plans to speed up the layout of the European market and assist Guangzhou Automobile Group to fully enter the European market.

During the visit, the delegation visited and investigated the 2024 Frankfurt International Professional Lighting and Audio Exhibition in Germany, held discussions and exchanges with internationally renowned exhibition companies such as Frankfurt Exhibition Group in Germany and Reed Exhibitions Group in Britain, and introduced the China International Supply Chain Expo, "Chinese Food Exhibition" and other exhibitions in which our Association participated. Guangzhou and Frankfurt are both internationally renowned exhibition capitals. Iris Jeglitza Moshage, senior vice president of Frankfurt Exhibition Group, said that Guangzhou has superior geographical conditions and a good exhibition environment. Next, more influential exhibitions will be held in Guangzhou. Brian Brittain, Chief Operating Officer of Reed Exhibitions, UK, said that the next step would be to give priority to the exhibition held in China.